Juriul concursului a acordat premiul întâi și suma de 1 400 de euro fotografului spaniol Carlos de Cos Azkona pentru fotografia sa “Cracks”, o fotografie aeriană spectaculoasă a unui biciclist deasupra terenului arid al rezervorului Yesa din Spania.
Applications are open for the CVCEPHOTO International Mountain Photo Contest 2023. The goal of the CVCEPHOTO contest is to promote mountain activities through photography, serving also as a meeting point and promotion of the authors.
CVCEPHOTO is an international photo contest with the mountains as its main theme. It´s organized by the Club Vasco de Camping Elkartea mountaineering club, based in San Sebastian/Donostia. The contest is open to all, either amateur or profesional photographers, from around the world.
CVCEPHOTO is an international photo contest with the mountains as its main theme. It´s organized by the Club Vasco de Camping Elkartea mountaineering club, based in San Sebastian/Donostia. The contest is open to all, either amateur or profesional photographers, from around the world.