3 fotografii premiate la concursul Nature Conservancy

Marele premiu al concursului de fotografie de natură organizat de Nature Conservancy a revenit lui Geo Jooste pentru fotografia “Darter bathing” realizată în Freestate province, Africa de Sud.

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©Geo Jooste – Darter bathing

Geo Jooste a folosit un DSLR Canon EOS 1D Mark IV cu un obiectiv zoom 100-400mm (iso 400, 1/320, f5), iar ca premiu a primit produse în valoare de 1000$

Pentru locul doi au fost acordate două premii lui Phil Lewis şi Thomas Chadwick. Fiecare a primit produse în valoare 268 USD.
Phil Lewis a fost premiat pentru o fotografie realizată în Texas la Canyon Lake Dam.

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©Phil Lewis

Thomas Chadwick a realizat fotografia de mai jos în St. Pete din Florida . El a folosit un DSLR Canon 5DS R cu un teleobiectiv de 600mm (f/11 1/2500 ISO 200).

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©Thomas Chadwick – Every year I select a nest when the parent is on eggs, and follow that same nest until they fledge. At this nest, another baby was born a day or so before the one pictured. Because of the time advantage the other baby bullied the little one by always eating first, stealing meals and pecking the little one to death until he left the shade under the parent. To get out of the Florida heat the baby often used the shadow I casted from lying down near the parent. After getting into position one hour prior to sunrise, and lying there for another hour or so, a parent flew in directly to the smaller baby giving him the meal first. The baby was inches away from me, so I couldn’t get the feeding photo. However, after the baby gobbled down the fish, I captured him running up to the parent and displaying the behavior pictured. Taken in St. Pete, FL. Settings: Canon 5DS R, 600mm f/4 IS II @ f/11 1/2500 ISO 200 600mm

Fotografiile premiate la categoriile People’s Choice, People & Nature, Mobile, Underwater, Wildlife, Adventure, Nature in Cities și Young Photographer pot fi văzute pe siteul Nature Conservancy


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